Display at Ingram boothThe American Library Association held their midwinter conference in Denver this year and true to form, Colorado blasted us with an icy snowstorm. The convention center was nice and warm though and a lovely venue for thousands of participants who had at least one thing in common – we love books!

My publisher, Crooked Lane Books, and our distributor, Ingram Publishers Group West, gave away copies of HUNTING HOUR, the latest Timber Creek K-9 Mystery. Sharing free books with librarians and readers is a fun gig, and I’m so grateful to Crooked Lane for making it happen. It was wonderful to meet and greet those of you who were there that day.

I also spent time staffing the Sisters in Crime Colorado booth where we shared information about our national organization’s We Love Libraries program. Each month in a random drawing, Sisters in Crime National awards a $1000 grant to a library for purchasing books. It’s easy to enter and non-winners are automatically entered in the next month’s drawing. If you’re affiliated with a library and would like to enter, go here for details.

One nice thing about the snow, once I returned home after a long day at the convention, it felt great to snuggle under a comforter in front of the fire with a good book. Happy midwinter reading, everyone!

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Interview with Karen Docter

I recently met Karen Docter, Membership Chair of Sisters in Crime Colorado. Karen is also a writer, and I’m delighted to host her on my

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Q&A with Mark Stevens

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